Last year’s Ars Electronica Festival was my first and it was pretty chill, considering I made sure to give myself the entire month of September off before I dove into graduate school.
It was a wonderful experience to simply just be amongst innovative media art and artists from all over the globe, taking in every little detail that was projected my way.
This year will be the complete opposite of chill, as I now have not one, but two pieces that will be premiering during the festival in September. O.S.T.R.I.C.H. 1.0 will be the main event, as I have been developing this piece since late last year, and I am quite nervous about it!
As with anything that relies on the stability of electronic components, there are so many moving parts that could fail at the most inopportune moments—but I suppose this is part of what makes it both exciting and exhilarating. Adopt-An-ArtStudent will also make its full debut, 3 months after its first public preview during the Rundgang 2018.

Needless to say, it’s going to be quite the busy summer for me here in Linz. As much as I miss home, I think it’s actually for the best that I’m staying in Linz over the break so that I can concentrate on finishing up all of my projects-in-progress.
Here’s to a productive European summer!

RELEVANT LINKS Ars Electronica 2018 Festival Website | Interface Cultures at Ars